Jinja and macros
Related reference docs
- Jinja Template Designer Documentation (external link)
- dbt Jinja context
- Macro properties
In dbt, you can combine SQL with Jinja, a templating language.
Using Jinja turns your dbt project into a programming environment for SQL, giving you the ability to do things that aren't normally possible in SQL. It's important to note that Jinja itself isn't a programming language; instead, it acts as a tool to enhance and extend the capabilities of SQL within your dbt projects.
For example, with Jinja, you can:
- Use control structures (e.g.
statements andfor
loops) in SQL - Use environment variables in your dbt project for production deployments
- Change the way your project builds based on the current target.
- Operate on the results of one query to generate another query, for example:
- Return a list of payment methods, to create a subtotal column per payment method (pivot)
- Return a list of columns in two relations, and select them in the same order to make it easier to union them together
- Abstract snippets of SQL into reusable macros — these are analogous to functions in most programming languages.
If you've used the {{ ref() }}
function, you're already using Jinja!
Jinja can be used in any SQL in a dbt project, including models, analyses, tests, and even hooks.
Check out the tutorial on using Jinja for a step-by-step example of using Jinja in a model, and turning it into a macro!
Getting started
Here's an example of a dbt model that leverages Jinja:
{% set payment_methods = ["bank_transfer", "credit_card", "gift_card"] %}
{% for payment_method in payment_methods %}
sum(case when payment_method = '{{payment_method}}' then amount end) as {{payment_method}}_amount,
{% endfor %}
sum(amount) as total_amount
from app_data.payments
group by 1
This query will get compiled to:
sum(case when payment_method = 'bank_transfer' then amount end) as bank_transfer_amount,
sum(case when payment_method = 'credit_card' then amount end) as credit_card_amount,
sum(case when payment_method = 'gift_card' then amount end) as gift_card_amount,
sum(amount) as total_amount
from app_data.payments
group by 1
You can recognize Jinja based on the delimiters the language uses, which we refer to as "curlies":
- Expressions
{{ ... }}
: Expressions are used when you want to output a string. You can use expressions to reference variables and call macros. - Statements
{% ... %}
: Statements don't output a string. They are used for control flow, for example, to set upfor
loops andif
statements, to set or modify variables, or to define macros. - Comments
{# ... #}
: Jinja comments are used to prevent the text within the comment from executing or outputing a string. Don't use--
for comment.
When used in a dbt model, your Jinja needs to compile to a valid query. To check what SQL your Jinja compiles to:
- Using dbt Cloud: Click the compile button to see the compiled SQL in the Compiled SQL pane
- Using dbt Core: Run
dbt compile
from the command line. Then open the compiled SQL file in thetarget/compiled/{project name}/
directory. Use a split screen in your code editor to keep both files open at once.
Macros in Jinja are pieces of code that can be reused multiple times – they are analogous to "functions" in other programming languages, and are extremely useful if you find yourself repeating code across multiple models. Macros are defined in .sql
files, typically in your macros
directory (docs).
Macro files can contain one or more macros — here's an example:
{% macro cents_to_dollars(column_name, scale=2) %}
({{ column_name }} / 100)::numeric(16, {{ scale }})
{% endmacro %}
A model which uses this macro might look like:
id as payment_id,
{{ cents_to_dollars('amount') }} as amount_usd,
from app_data.payments
This would be compiled to:
id as payment_id,
(amount / 100)::numeric(16, 2) as amount_usd,
from app_data.payments
💡 Use Jinja's whitespace control to tidy your macros!
Using a macro from a package
A number of useful macros have also been grouped together into packages — our most popular package is dbt-utils.
After installing a package into your project, you can use any of the macros in your own project — make sure you qualify the macro by prefixing it with the package name:
from my_table
{{ dbt_utils.dimensions(5) }}
You can also qualify a macro in your own project by prefixing it with your package name (this is mainly useful for package authors).
dbtonic Jinja
Just like well-written python is pythonic, well-written dbt code is dbtonic.
Favor readability over DRYDRY is a software development principle that stands for “Don’t Repeat Yourself.” Living by this principle means that your aim is to reduce repetitive patterns and duplicate code and logic in favor of modular and referenceable code.-ness
Once you learn the power of Jinja, it's common to want to abstract every repeated line into a macro! Remember that using Jinja can make your models harder for other users to interpret — we recommend favoring readability when mixing Jinja with SQL, even if it means repeating some lines of SQL in a few places. If all your models are macros, it might be worth re-assessing.
Leverage package macros
Writing a macro for the first time? Check whether we've open sourced one in dbt-utils that you can use, and save yourself some time!
Set variables at the top of a model
{% set ... %}
can be used to create a new variable, or update an existing one. We recommend setting variables at the top of a model, rather than hardcoding it inline. This is a practice borrowed from many other coding languages, since it helps with readability, and comes in handy if you need to reference the variable in two places:
-- 🙅 This works, but can be hard to maintain as your code grows
{% for payment_method in ["bank_transfer", "credit_card", "gift_card"] %}
{% endfor %}
-- ✅ This is our preferred method of setting variables
{% set payment_methods = ["bank_transfer", "credit_card", "gift_card"] %}
{% for payment_method in payment_methods %}
{% endfor %}